Bring the Program to Your School
If you are interested in bringing The Wonders of Skin: Looking Good, Being Healthy program to your school district, county, or state, we would like to hear from you. Professional development is a required component prior to implementation. For more information, please contact American Skin Association at (212) 889-4858 and info@americanskin.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the training for?
The training is designed for classroom teachers, health and physical education teachers, science teachers, school nurses and other staff in schools K-12.
How much does the program cost?
The Wonders of Skin: Looking Good, Being Healthy is provided at no cost to you. ASA finances the program through fundraising efforts from generous individual, foundation, and corporate donors.
How long is the training?
The training is 2½ to 3 hours.
What topics are covered in the curriculum?
The curriculum includes K-12 lessons on the structure and function of skin, sun safety, acne, tattooing and body piercing, and skin disorders and diseases. It is developmentally appropriate, skills-based, culturally sensitive, and aligns with national health education standards.
Is the training interactive?
Yes, the training is interactive. NYAM will conduct the training and also employ the services of a local dermatologist to provide an expert presentation and answer participant questions.
Are the lessons interactive?
Yes, the classroom lessons provide students with hands-on opportunities to learn important information about skin health and prevention of skin diseases and disorders.
What will I receive?
All participants who complete the professional development training workshop will receive:
- The Wonders of Skin: Looking Good, Being Healthy curriculum
- A class set of take-home interactive magazines and workbooks for students and parents
- Ongoing technical assistance and consultation provided by The New York Academy of Medicine
How will I implement this in my school?
Some school districts implement the curriculum in conjunction with their existing health curriculum, while others choose to conduct lessons at certain times during the school year. Ideas for classroom implementation will be discussed at the professional development training workshop.